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This site offers articles on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). I created it to cater to the growing interest in TCM, and I’ll be exploring…

Meet Sinshe Shinta
Chinese Medicine Practitioner Graduated from Tianjin University of TCM, China
Sinshe Shinta studied Chinese Medical Science in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for 5 years and obtained Bachelor Degree of Chinese Medicine. In college she obtained several achievements…

Patients's Testimonial
"Keluhan tangan kalo mo diangkat sakit, sehabis datang sudah jauh lebih baik, biaya terjangkau.." (Complaints about hand pain when trying to lift it, after coming it was much better, the cost was affordable)
Endry Jayadi
"Saya adalah pasien Sinshe Shinta, dengan ini saya sangat rekomendasikan beliau untuk membantu kesembuhan Bapak/Ibu sekalian." (I am a patient of Sinshe Shinta, with this I highly recommend her to help you all recover)
Ape Agong
"Saya sangat merekomendasikan Sinshe Shinta kepada teman-teman."
Contact Us
Sinshe Shinta Amelia, B. Med
The Treatment We Offer:
✅ Based on Study at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China
✅ Economical and Affordable
✅ Simple and Uncomplicated
✅ Natural Without Chemical Substances
✅Effective without Side Effect